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Monthly Archives: February 2007

Writing Regularly

Since I started my other weblog, Open Source Love, I’ve been writing about four posts a week on it. (I don’t write that often here.) I don’t know that they are all of the highest quality but they are there and I am writing. The original premise is that love is a universal constant with […]

The Truth You Know You Know

This post is way overdue. I first met Ken Rideout several years ago and have loved him ever since. Ken spent many years learning about and learning to love the people of Thailand. He says, when asked, his calling is a teacher of God’s love. He learned to connect with folks who have no idea […]

Open Source Love

I have jumped into the blogger pool and have made a new weblog called Open Source Love. It’s about the universality of love, the basis of natural law and all law, for that matter. Really love the is the root of all life on earth, the best thing—really the only thing. I want to develop […]